“Audits begin with a question, which then extends to a search for the truth.”
Matt Hawkins is a lifetime citizen of Washington State and has been married to Paula for 37 years, together they have 10 children.
Matt has 40 years of work experience in various industries, from commercial & investment real estate to investment banking and private business ownership. Matt will be able take his personal knowledge of how to manage a business effectively – and apply it to the Auditor position to drive improvements by cutting wasteful spending by Washington State government agencies while saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
Audits begin with a question, which then extends to a search for the truth. When done correctly, the citizens of Washington State will gain confidence in knowing that funds and resources are being properly used to the benefit of the citizenry. As Washington State’s next Auditor, Matt Hawkins will have the opportunity to restore Transparent process to Government by being the eyes and ears of ‘We the People.’
– Financial Audits identify how taxes are being properly used.
– Performance Audits focus on efficiency and effectiveness of government.
– Compliance Audits determine if government agencies are following laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines.
Noted below are the areas in which Matt Hawkins will make a meaningful difference to Washington State government when elected:
Matt Hawkins recognizes Audits can proactively be used, supported by the slate of Republican candidates, to proactively restore government to the people.
Noted below are the areas in which Matt Hawkins will make a meaningful difference to Washington State government when elected:
1) Government regulations: by identifying how regulations increase costs to families and impede the growth of businesses.
2) Homeless Crises: by identifying and determining what processes will reduce homelessness and benefit our communities.
3) Education: by analyzing to determine what critical points have contributed to failing test scores and declining social wellbeing in our schools.
4) Property Rights: by showing clear causes and direct relationships to loss of property rights and declining quality of life for Washingtonians.
5) Energy Costs: by providing in-depth analysis to show how energy costs continue to skyrocket because of bad legislation passed in the House and Senate.
6) Housing Costs: by providing an in-depth report to show how housing costs have been driven up due to government policies and to provide solutions with a roadmap to return to affordable housing in all communities.
7) Parental and Family Rights: to restore these God-given rights so that children and families can enjoy positive mental, physical and social health.
8) Taxes: by identifying ways to reduce tax burdens, especially for those most vulnerable – our senior citizens who live on fixed incomes.
9) Elections: by ensuring that elections are transparent and by implementing audit systems where none exist at present.
10) Law and Order: by restoring the rule of law and order, this will in turn restore safety and sanity to our communities.
As the People request audits of Washington State government agencies, they will be performed, without bias to party politics.
Advisory committees will be formed to provide access to experts providing advice on a broad range of issues which affect policies and programs within government agencies, while improving access to services.
Support Matt Hawkins to restore a more transparent and honest government by donating:
Hawkins will be the Auditor for Transparency, for “We The People”
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Paid for by: Friends of Hawkins 9116 E. Sprague, #118, Spokane Valley, WA 99206