Matt Hawkins has been married for the past 37 years to Paula, and together they 
have a family of 10 children. Combining this with being a lifetime resident of 
Washington State, Hawkins wants to see the kind of values supported leading to 
stronger families and communities.

The past 40 years of work experience has crossed over a multitude of industries as 
work was performed in Commercial & Investment Real Estate, Investment Banking 
and business ownership. One experience involved leading a team to turn around a 
restaurant chain that was involved in an Involuntary Bankruptcy. The business turned 
around in record time, saving all jobs and restoring the creditors.
Hawkins has always worked with business owners as well as participated in National 
Organizations to drive improvements for industry professionals. Success has been 
built on recognizing opportunities for leading teams. At one point taking on the role 
of National Conference Chair, Hawkins led significant growth during challenging 

Audits begin with a question, then extend into a search for the Truth. Done correctly, 
the people can have confidence that the funds and resources of government are being
used in the best possible means to benefit The People. As Auditor, Hawkins has an 
opportunity to restore Transparency to Government by being the “Eyes and Ears” of 
We the People.

Financial Audits identify how taxes are being properly used, while Performance Audits
focus on efficiency and effectiveness of government. Compliance Audits determine if 
agencies follow the laws and mandates, they are provided. Hawkins can work with 
anyone, however he recognizes that if he can have the good fortune of working with 
the elected slate of Republican Candidates, that the opportunity to fast track results 
for The People, are material.

Hawkins will be the Auditor for Transparency, for “We The People”